Europlan Leasing Company summarized its operating results for 2021.
In 2021, Europlan concluded over 52,000 leasing transactions (+33% YoY) under which it purchased and leased to Russian entrepreneurs vehicles and equipment amounting to RUB182.3 bln, including VAT (+65.3% YoY). The majority of Europlan’s clients has been small and medium businesses who faced challenges with increasing prices for vehicles and their shortage in 2021. Throughout the year, Europlan took efforts not only to provide its clients with vehicles they needed, but also to maintain moderate prices for them. As a result, 85% of our clients are ready to recommend our company according to a large-scale client satisfaction survey.
In 2021, Europlan established cooperation with Moody’s international rating agency. The agency assigned Europlan the Ba1 corporate credit rating with stable forecast.
The company opened four new offices: on Kamchatka, in Pskov, Ulan-Ude and Veliky Novgorod. The company included new auto manufacturers into its portfolio, developed new products and services.
Since December 2021, Europlan, the first among leasing companies, has launched the concessional leasing program of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for 2022.
During 2021, the company continues to support the forest restoration initiative of RusClimateFund and develop its corporate ecological program as well as continues to purchase electrical vehicles for leasing: Europlan became the first Russian company who transfered new Tesla Model Y Long Range 2021 to its client.